Ready to go SMASH some Clarks Hill Bass?! Winter-time Ditch Fishing + Clark's Hill Fishing Report
Best for January - March
Clarks Hill Lake
Spotted Bass
Conventional Artificial Bait
Brief Description
Clark's Hill fishing is hot right now on the wintertime ditch bite and this 22 minute video tip is going to get you dialed in very quick! Its a detailed Clark's Hill fishing report, plus I show specific examples of what you are looking for with 3 highly productive areas that have a lot of fish in them right now. You will see my full breakdown of the best fishing lures and setups, plus lots of on the water footage of how I idle using my Lowrance side imaging, down imaging and Active Target 2 to locate and catch these fish. I also include waypoints to 3 brush piles with fish that will kick start your trip so you know exactly what kind of stuff to look for and expand on. Hope you catch them!
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What's in this detailed digital trip?
22 min video
4 Productive areas
3 Specific coordinates
Full breakdown of patterns, techniques, and lures
Weather and conditions report
Content Video
Full Breakdown of Patterns, Techniques, and Lures:
Weather and Conditions Report
Specific location and productive areas to find and expand on this bite
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Ready to go SMASH some Clarks Hill Bass?! Winter-time Ditch Fishing + Clark's Hill Fishing Report